“I code-switch between the roles of ‘artist’, ‘writer’, ‘editor’, or ‘publisher’ of documents to transform material, language, text, or writing – embracing embodied, spatial and multimedia contexts for storytelling by suspending, stacking, layering, drawing, or mapping different components of my works. I intend for the storytelling, in turn, to feel viscerally animated or percipiently poetic.
Gingerly moving against hyper-capitalist logic and time, I focus on issues of social sustainability and human welfare by questioning prevalent symbols and systems. In this process of questioning and unpacking, I immerse myself in a remediated sense of psychology and time through personal stories as well as memory-collages that elicit larger cultural narratives and historical impact.
Beginning from an individual standpoint, I playfully provoke sociopolitical shifts occurring in contemporary Western society, especially from Anglo-American perspectives. I will oscillate between moments of innermost, private recollections and public responses through constructions of the environment, media, or architecture. I intend to whittle away at opaque power structures, especially instances of overwriting human dignity, truth, or complexity.
I document my slow questioning of unfolding social processes and transformations through durational, iterative projects. Some span several years and locations. I will eventually coalesce, assemble, and collage my projects as publications, paper-based installations, drawings, artists’ books, prints, or other documents – making the way that time elapses, marked through material constraints, an ongoing conceptual thread of inquiry.”
– Gina DeCagna, 2024